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Disclosure of shareholding
1 February 2009: Start-Fondet w/Convexa Capital AS has been allotted 300,000 new shares in NorDiag ASA at a price of NOK 0.50 in the rights issue of the company, inn addition to 180,000 Class A Warrants and 180,000 Class B Warrants. In total, Start-Fondet w/Convexa Capital AS will own 3,455,981 shares in NorDiag ASA, and thus reduces its shareholding from 5.91% t0 2.86% of the share capital.
Sarsia Life Science Fund AS, in which the chairman of the board of NorDiag ASA, Hans Hekland, is the CEO, has been allotted 20,000,000 new shares in NorDiag ASA at a price of NOK 0.50 in the rights issue of the company, in addition to 1,200,000 Class A Warrants and 1,200,000 Class B Warrants. In total, Sarsia Life Science Fund AS will own 32,958,381 shares in NorDiag ASA, and thus increases its shareholding from 24.25% to 27.32% of the share capital.
MP Pensjon PK has been allotted 5,000,000 new shares in NorDiag ASA at a price of NOK 0.50 in the rights issue of the company, in addition to 3,000,000 Class A Warrants and 3,000,000 Class B Warrants. In total, MP Pensjon PK will own 6,747,100 shares in NorDiag ASA, and thus increases its shareholding from 3.27% to 5.95% of the share capital.
Skagenkaien Eiendom AS been allotted 1,000,000 new shares in NorDiag ASA at a price of NOK 0.50 in the rights issue of the company, in addition to 500,000 Class A Warrants and 500,000 Class B Warrants. In total, Skagenkaien Eiendom AS will own 2,500,000 shares in NorDiag ASA which amounts to 2.07% of the share capital in the company. On 30 January 2009, Skagenkaien Eiendom AS received acceptance to purchase all of the shares of Biovekst AS, which owns 2,665,606 shares in NorDiag ASA. Biovekst AS has not subscribed for or been allotted shares in the rights issues, and the aggregate shareholding of Skagenkaien Eiendom AS og Biovekst AS is thus reduced from 7.80% to 4.28% of the share capital.
Read the notice in Norwegian here