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Reference is made to the prospectus published 18 November 2011 and the currently ongoing subscription period in the rights issue (the "Rights Issue") in NorDiag ASA ("NorDiag" or the "Company").

Subscription in the Rights Issue:
The list below gives an overview of subscriptions for NorDiag shares carried out by primary insiders in NorDiag and the primary insiders' related parties on 21 November 2011:
Mårten Wigstøl through Barracuda Invest AS, CEO:
Subscription rights allocated: 946,802
Number of shares subscribed: 946,802
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 1,206,617
Tone Kvåle, CFO, (including the related party):
Subscription rights allocated: 2,330,864
Number of shares subscribed: 9,125,000
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 2,970,484
Erik Hornes, CSO:
Subscription rights allocated: 403,100
Number of shares subscribed: 625,000
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 513,716
Jan Olav Wikstén, VP Sales and Marketing Europe:
Subscription rights allocated: 7,288
Number of shares subscribed: 312,500
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 9,288
Guttorm Osborg, VP Instruments and Automation:
Subscription rights allocated: 0
Number of shares subscribed: 625,000
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 0
Stein Rune Kjelby, Chief Accountant:
Subscription rights allocated: 118,000
Number of shares subscribed: 625,000
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 150,381
Robert V. Ahlgren, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Subscription rights allocated: 1,123,830
Number of shares subscribed: 11,250,000
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 1,432,224
Hans Hekland through Hannibal Invest AS, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors:
Subscription rights allocated: 3,364,284
Number of shares subscribed: 3,364,284
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 4,287,488
Ann-Kristin Hageløkken, Member of the Board of Directors:
Subscription rights allocated: 0
Number of shares subscribed: 625,000
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 0
Mathias Uhlen, Member of the Board of Directors:
Subscription rights allocated: 223,731
Number of shares subscribed: 8,125,000
Shareholding after the Rights Issue*: 285,126
* Does not include shares (if any) allocated due to oversubscription.
Notification on the final allocation of shares to the primary insiders based on over-subscription will be given on or about 8 December 2011.
Subscription for warrants
The following primary insiders have on 21 November 2011 subscribed for the following number of warrants directed at key persons in the Company as resolved by the Company's extraordinary general meeting held 2 November 2011:
Mårten Wigstøl, CEO, has subscribed for 12,403,125 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Mårten Wigstøl holds 188,000 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 2.18.
Tone Kvåle, CFO has subscribed for 6,879,600 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Tone Kvåle does not hold any warrants in the Company.
Erik Hornes, CSO, has subscribed for 6,792,587 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Erik Hornes holds 60,000 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 2.18.
Timothy Murray, GM NorDiag Inc has subscribed for 2,533,787 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Timothy Murray does not hold any warrants in the Company.
Guttorm Osborg, Vice President Instruments and Automation, has subscribed for 4,450,000 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Guttorm Osborg does not hold any warrants in the Company.
Robert V. Ahlgren, chairman of the Board of Directors, has subscribed for 3,073,975 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Robert V. Ahlgren does not hold any warrants in the Company.
Jan Olav Wikstén, VP Sales and Marketing Europe , has subscribed for 1,271,207 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Jan Olav Wikstén does not hold any warrants in the Company.
Anders Holmberg, Senior VP Instrument & Development, has subscribed for 1,960,152 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Anders Homberg does not hold any warrants in the Company.

Stein Rune Kjelby, Chief Accountant, has subscribed for 1,735,500 warrants in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0.08. Prior to this, Stein Rune Kjelby does not hold any warrants in the Company.
In total 47,807,413 warrants has been subscribed for by key persons in the Company, each giving the right to be allocated one share at an exercise price of NOK 0,08.
The prospectus contains a typo in the table on page 69. In relation to the number of warrants to be subscribed for by Robert V. Ahlgren it states that the number of warrants would be 245,918. The correct number of warrant is 3,073,975 as stated above. The total number of warrants in the table should accordingly be adjusted to 39,612,433.
For further information, please contact:
CEO Mårten Wigstøl,  Phone: +47 911 65775
CFO Tone Kvåle,   Phone: +47 915 19576

Read the notice in Norwegian here.